We received 63 complaints during the year, some points of learning:
You Said,
The performance of an appointed contractor dealing with heating issues fell short in response times and customer service.
What we Did,
We changed the contractor and involved residents in the criteria and selection of a new one that started 1 April 2022.
You Said,
At a repair inspection we did not consider the vulnerability of the customer and make reasonable adjustment.
What We Did,
We presented a toolbox talk to all our Operatives in August 2021, carried out reflective learning from this case to ensure that reasonable adjustments are taken into consideration.
You Said,
You wanted us to put in place a more robust process to opt out from a customer survey that is carried out independently.
What We Did,
We reviewed our process and created a new field on our Housing Computer system to make residents who wish to opt out can.
The Customer Service Improvement Panel reviewed the website in March/April 2022.
You Said,
The auto acknowledgement response was not working. It was not clear when a response can be expected
What We Did,
Fixed the issue on our website and made communication clear when a response can be expected.
One resident reviewed our Letting sign up process in March 2022 and spoke to another resident about their experience.
You Said,
The sign -up process is long and overloaded with information that can be split, so less urgent issues are covered in a follow up visit. The paperwork also needs to be presented so it is more customer friendly.
What we did,
We have reviewed our process and changed the presentation of paperwork. We have removed revised our checklist that is followed so that key information is given on the day of sign up. We have also introduced feedback from residents following a sign up to take further learning.
One resident reviewed our Letting sign up process in March 2022 and spoke to another resident about their experience.
You Said,
The sign -up process is long and overloaded with information that can be split, so less urgent issues are covered in a follow up visit. The paperwork also needs to be presented so it is more customer friendly.
What we did,
We have reviewed our process and changed the presentation of paperwork. We have removed revised our checklist that is followed so that key information is given on the day of sign up. We have also introduced feedback from residents following a sign up to take further learning.
We had 647 surveys carried out independently during the year, which included a small sample of shared owners.
You Said,
As leaseholders we do not have repairs carried out and would like clearer communication on what BCHG offers to us.
What We’re Doing,
We are looking into ways we can extend the offer of our current services to leaseholders and the likely cost to you for this. We will be writing to all leaseholders to make our offer clear. This task is assigned to our Home Ownership and Service Charge Manager.
You Said,
In our survey section asking you how we can improve, you told us we can invest more in our assets.
What We’re Doing,
We are making our asset plan clear and accessible to you through the customer portal. This task is assigned to a project team with a lead officer the Head of Asset and Investment.
One resident attended an Operation Team meeting in February 2022 to talk about their experience of our service.
You Said,
No one had mentioned that BCHG had a Facebook page
What We’re Doing,
All new residents are told about BCHG Facebook. We have placed information on accessing services in the Resident Broadcast. We have raised colleague awareness to use and promote.
We introduced ‘No Voice, No Approval’, which means that no customer facing policy is approved without hearing customer voice. During the year we consulted you on 11 policies. You can read more information here.