What is domestic abuse?
Domestic abuse is an incident or pattern of abusing and controlling behaviour. It can be caused by a partner, ex-partner, family member or a carer.
Examples of domestic abuse are:
Physical Abuse
Physical Abuse can include hitting, punching, kicking, slapping, hitting with objects, pulling hair, pushing, or shoving, cutting or stabbing, restraining, spitting, strangulation, choking.
Psychological & Emotional
Psychological & Emotional Abuse such as intimidation, bullying, isolation, verbal abuse and humiliation. This behaviour can have a profound impact upon survivors and can leave a feeling low confidence and helpless to change the situation.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse is any behaviour thought to be of a sexual nature which is unwanted and takes place without consent. It can be physical, psychological, verbal or online. Any behaviour of a sexual nature that causes distress is considered sexual abuse.
You can find more information in the booklets below, available in various languages:
Cohesive Control
Cohesive Control is an act or a pattern of acts or assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation, or other abuse that is used to harm, punish or frighten their victim.
Watch this video where victim/survivors share their experience with cohesive control.
Online Abuse
Online Abuse can include abuse over social media such as Facebook or twitter, sharing intimate photos of videos without consent.
Economic Abuse
Economic Abuse – involves the control of money and finances and things that money can buy. It is a form of coercive and controlling behaviour and includes sabotage of income and access to money and being restricted on how money is used.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) – is also known as female circumcision and involves procedures that include partial or total removal of the external genital organs for non-medical reasons. It is an offence to perform or assist anyone to perform FGM on a UK national anywhere in the world
Honour Based Violence (HBV)
So called Honour Based Violence (HBV) is where a collection of practices used predominately to control the behaviour of women and girls within families or other social groups to protect supposed cultural beliefs, values and social norm in the name of ‘honour’. This type of behaviour includes, forced marriage, physical violence, sexual harassment/violence, threats to kill, social ostracism or rejection and emotional pressure and denial of access to children.
How we can help:
You can report incidents of domestic abuse to the YouMatter@bchg.co.uk, email, your Customer Relations Manager and Scheme Manager.
We will ensure that all reports are taken seriously, sympathetically and in strictest confidence. Each situation may be different and therefore will respond accordingly to each case, ensuring that any action taken is led by the customer.
Other Help and Support Services
West Midlands Police
National DA Helpline (24h) - 0808 2000 247
Sikh Women's Aid
Roshni - support for minority ethnic communities
Karma Nirvana - So-called Honour Based Abuse helpline - 0800 5999 247
Ask Marc - support for male survivors of domestic abuse
Men's Advice Line - 0808 801 0327
IDAS - LGBTQ+ support
Galop LGBTQ+ - 0800 999 5428
CHADD - supported housing and community-based services for people in Dudley who may be experiencing domestic abuse
Hourglass - 24h helpline for older survivors; 0808 808 8141
Respect - support for domestic abuse perpetrators; 0808 802 4040
Digital Breakup - interactive tool designed to provide awareness and understanding of the various digital platforms a partner might have access to, whether it’s social media accounts, online banking, or live location through apps such as Uber and Strava.
Hollie Guard - personal safety app
Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance - Membership
The Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance’s (DAHA) mission is to improve the housing sector’s response to domestic abuse through the introduction and adoption of a framework of good practice and an accreditation process for housing providers.
BCHG joined the Alliance as a member to improve our response to domestic abuse and gain accreditation. A customer Domestic Abuse Policy has already been put into place, which outlines the steps BCHG will take to reduce domestic abuse cases in any of our living accommodation properties. You can read the Policy here.
As an organisation, we do not tolerate any acts of domestic abuse and are committed to safeguarding both our customers and colleagues.